research group

The ICS Empires research group is an interdisciplinary team of historians and anthropologists at different levels of their careers (PhD students, post-doctoral, early and senior researchers) interested in the study of the historical dynamics and contemporary manifestations of the Portuguese imperial experience, with a privileged, though not exclusive, focus on the connected histories of Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Goa, Macau, Timor, San Tomé e Príncipe, Cape Verde, and Guinea Bissau. It aims at investigating transits, shifts, and connections between colonial and post-colonial, imperial and post-imperial, processes in different historical periods and geographical settings. The group places the Portuguese case within a wide global setting both historically and historiographically, while seeking inclusive anthropological perspectives that articulate both European and Non-European agencies, cultures and historicities.
More info: (institutional website) (blog)

Casa de Velázquez is at once a centre for artistic creation and a research centre. It is this that gives it a unique place among the five French Schools abroad run by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and Innovation: the French School in Athens, the French School in Rome, the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in El Cairo and the French Middle East School. In fact Casa de Velázquez is unusual in that since its foundation in 1928 it has possessed an artistic section (Académie de France à Madrid) along with a scientific section—the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (EHEHI).
A public institution serving scientific, cultural and professional purposes, Casa de Velázquez's mission is to carry on creative activities and research relating to the arts, languages, literatures and societies of Spain and Iberian and Ibero-American countries. Its tasks also include assisting in the training of artists, researchers and teacher/researchers and taking part in the development of artistic and scientific exchanges between France and the other countries concerned.
More info (website)